Monday, July 14, 2008

I Have Good News and... Well, More Good News

Filed under Tidbits

Tonight's update is about two very special simchas (well, to me, at least), Baruch Hashem.

First of all, it is with great joy and gratitude to Hashem that I report that my sister had a baby girl. (Thereby making me an aunt?) Now, I have plenty of nieces and nephews, b'li ayin hara. But what is special about little Blimi B. is that she is a major milestone for me (well, for our family): this is the thirtieth time I became an uncle. That's right - Uncle Moishe's "fan club" now has 30 members, b'li ayin hara!

Second of all, remember Tinok ben Aviva - the son of Rabbi Eitan Feiner Shlita, who was in the NNICU for several months after he was born? The one whom our "Super Bowl Seder" was to be a z'chus for (covered here)? Well, I am pleased to report that he is doing much better, Baruch Hashem - and is finally having his bris tomorrow morning!

May Klal Yisroel continue to share only simchas from now on!

UPDATE: Tinok ben Aviva finally has a name: Avraham Yeshayahu, after the Chazon Ish. Mazel tov!


Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov on chani and AL. Where is the fiener bris??? Thanks

The Shadow said...

The bris is in Jerusalem's Great Synagogue, on King George V st.

Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov to Avraham Yeshaya Fiener.