Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Now it's Time to Say Shalom, Uncle Moishe's Going Home...

I'm sitting on a plane, waiting for takeoff for the sixth time in ten days. But this time, there's a difference: instead of the relatively small coach-bus-with-wings aircraft I've been flying on until now, this time it's a jumbo jet - a Boeing 747-400, to be specific. That's because I'm finally going home.

You're probably wondering why this is my sixth flight in ten days. Well, it's simple: I went on a trip with a bunch of guys from my yeshiva, first to Ukraine, and then to Italy. I haven't posted anything about the trip yet because I've been quite busy with the trip itself, and then with packing up to go home for Pesach once I got back to Israel. With Hashem's help, I hope to catch up on that over bein hazmanim.

In the meantime, while I'm waiting for takeoff, I'm taking a few minutes to reflect on the past six months. I'm remembering how apprehensive I was about coming here, how worried I was about what would be if it wouldn't work out. My first time in a foreign country, alone. Could I really make it?

Now, six months later, I am happy to report that in my humble opinion, it has Baruch Hashem been a smashing success. I don't think I ever had such a great zman in my life - not just in ruchnius, but in gashmius as well. Although being cut off from my "supply lines" by a six thousand mile gap was challenging, it was definitely an awesome experience. I had a great time, with lots of interesting experiences, many of which I didn't get a chance to post about (well, at least not yet). Things like my visit to Machneh Yehudah, getting into a fight (not physical, thankfully) with an Arab taxi driver, "The Kosel Project" - these are only some of those which come to mind...

And now, to answer the big question: was it worth it? Definitely. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I am Baruch Hashem blessed with an amazing yeshiva, with the world's greatest Rosh Yeshiva, in the world's holiest city. What could be better?

It is with these reflections that I leave the holy land. But trust me, I'll definitely be back. They're gonna have to cancel all the flights - and most of the freighters - if they don't want me back here.

And now, time for takeoff. See you across the Atlantic!


Anonymous said...

WE are waiting......eagerly!

Anonymous said...



Tell me though, if the flights and freighters were both cancelled, would you try a row boat??
I think you would, and I think you should!

Zeits Gezunt!

Anonymous said...

We're planning no other entertainment for Shabbos. The floor is yours - and we can't wait to hear 'al-about-it'!!

Your BIGGEST Chasidim (and of course you know who I mean by that,) really can't wait for good ole Uncle Moishe be back for a visit!

Anonymous said...

I see that we have competition to be your Shabbos host. I guess blood is thicker than water. Hope to see you anyway at some point over the weekend

Anonymous said...

Will you be making a public presentation about all the experiences and philosophies you have yet to post?